Return Policy
Picsible's 100% Happiness Guarantee.
Enjoy shopping on Picsible with our easy return policy
We take your satisfaction very seriously and always ensure that your items are delivered in one piece, but sometimes... unintended things happen, hence the reason we accept returns
Returning an item is super easy. You simply need to Initiate a Return Request to get started. You have 5 days to return your items.
See below to understand the full process.
How to Get Started
Initiate a Return
Returning an item is super easy.
Simply click Initiate Return and then fill each fields with the appropriate information.
Return the Item
As soon as we get your return request, we will reach out to you (by calling or emailing) and then come over to pick up your item.
Adjustments Made
We will take note of the things you want adjusted and then send back the adjusted item to you at no extra cost.

100% Happiness Guarantee.
Your happiness is our priority. If you are not happy about anything, let us know and we will make it right.
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